Vango Vapes - Sour Drips - Review
So I was lucky enough to win a giveaway from Vango Vapes and received their Sour Drips line at 3mg. Here is my review of the first flavour I’ve tried, BLUE. From the start I can tell you not everyone will enjoy these liquids. They are very sour with a strong throat hit coming from the sour flavour. When I review a liquid I like to give it a true shot. To me that’s not just on a dripper but every possible way you can try the juice. This being said the atomizers I used for this review were a Velocity Clone RDA with a dual 3mm ID 24 gauge Kanthal sitting at .33, Wismec Theroem Single 24 gauge Kanthal 3.5mm ID at .8 and the Goblin Mini 26 Kanthal gauge spaced dual coil 2.5mm ID at .4.
I’ll start off by giving you the description from their website followed by a smell and taste test on my finger then on to how it tastes as a vape.
Blue: True Blue & Sour! Always delicious to the last drop! Notable burst of summer sweetened blueberries curled around a lip smacking hardened sour blueberry finishing note.
The first thing I get is a nice sweet ripe cooling blueberry followed by a tart sour blueberry finish. With a candied smell coming through the whole time. Overall this thing smells like a sour blueberry candy.
Sweet over ripe blueberries with a tart sour finish with a general candied taste all around. This tastes delicious. Give me 0 Nic and I might drink the bottle that’s how good it is. On your tongue it tastes like it smells.
Vaping It:
The flavour I get on the inhale tastes like you just grabbed a juicy cold blueberry out the fridge followed by a sour candied blueberry finish on the exhale. The sour effect definitely gives you a rougher than normal throat hit at 3mg then I’m use to. If you’ve ever vaped any peach liquids then you will know what I mean. It’s a slight tickle in the back of your throat. Overall good flavour but it is a bit harsh on my throat. Lots of air flow is your friend with this liquid it seems.
On the Velocity: I started off dripping this and was really enjoying it at first but after a bit the flavour became muted. I took my top cap off after about 3 mls worth of dripping and there was a layer of black gunk on the coils. I’m assuming this is due to the sour additives used. Although I was enjoying the flavour, this really disappointed me.
In the Theorem: I did not enjoy this liquid in the theorem is pretty much all I have to say. The sour part came out way too much for me and it gunked up the coils way too fast for my liking.
In the Goblin: It tastes the best here. It tastes like sour blueberry candies straight up. Spaced Coils seem to handle the juice a bit better. Less gunk build up overall.
So my final verdict is simple. If you are willing to rewick and dry burn your coils then this a tasty liquid. I personally could not use this as an ADV but it is enjoyable. The throat tickles get to me very fast and stops me from enjoying the liquid as much as I’d like too. I try to judge liquids based on if they taste like they are described. This juice tastes like it smells and tastes like described pretty spot on. But remember taste is subjective so this is really just my opinion on the juice.
Reddit review - Canadianvapers